Rashmika Mandanna Hot and sexy pictures

 Rashmika Mandanna : Rashmika Mandanna is an Indian actress and model. She is mainly worked in Kannada and Telugu films and She started his career with modeling, and she started her acting career as a Saanvi Joseph’s role in Kannada film Kirik Party (2016). Mandanna played the L. Karthika’s role in his first Telugu film Chalo (2018). She won the South Indian International Movie Awards (2017) for Best Debut Actress.

Mandanna was born in Virajpet, Karnataka, India on April 5, 1996. She is lived in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. Mandanna is a daughter of mother Suman Mandanna and father M.A Mandanna, and she has a sister Shiman Mandanna. She did her schooling from Coorg Public School and higher education from MS Ramaiah College of Arts Science & Commerce, Bengaluru.

Rashmika Mandanna Hot and sexy pictures Rashmika Mandanna Hot  and sexy pictures Reviewed by admin on January 28, 2024 Rating: 5

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